Reading Time: 4 minutesThe Lego exercise is a great way to introduce and apply Lean Six Sigma concepts. It introduces systems thinking, which helps people understand how various processes they use can affect others in the organization. It also reveals how much a team’s performance is driven not only by individual effort or skill, but also by the processes and workflows an organization has in place.

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn an earlier blog, we covered the challenges of multitherapy resupply. Given these challenges, what are some strategies we can use for more effective multitherapy resupply? I’ll outline three ways you can help your patients manage their multitherapy needs to help them meet their health goals.

Reading Time: 3 minutesA good live call program is central to a resupply organization’s success. A high quality program should include speech analytics: a way to record and evaluate interactions between agents and patients.

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s hard to overstate the importance of multitherapy in resupply. As these patients become more common, HMEs will need to focus on improving processes to make sure patients are fully supported to sustain the therapies they need over time.

Reading Time: < 1 minuteFrom the need for more interoperability to best practices for collecting patient payments, our Brightree blog covered key industry topics in 2024. Here’s a recap of the most-read articles from our staff experts.

Reading Time: 3 minutesMoving to zero-touch resupply will positively impact your business in three vital areas: Order Generation, Insurance Verification and Documentation Review. In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits in Insurance Verification

Reading Time: 4 minutesExplore how a live call program can strengthen your business by streamlining processes, enhancing patient satisfaction and increasing revenue.

Reading Time: 4 minutesAn effective live call program can deliver insights into your patients that otherwise might not be available. But setting up a program is a big commitment. Find out how Brightree can help you reap the benefits of a robust live call program that can keep your business healthy.

Reading Time: 2 minutesSee what your peers have been reading about! Here are the five most-read blogs from this year.